About Us

When our Lord returned home as a twelve-year-old growing into His teen years, Luke’s description of how his life developed is crucial: “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man.” - Luke 2:52
These four areas—mental, physical, spiritual, and social—all proved essential in the years ahead for Christ and His ministry.   The basic premise of every youth fellowship is to provide a healthy place for young people to follow our Lord’s example and grow into men and women of God. There’s never been a greater need, especially in Southeast Florida, to promote the meetings envisioned by these servants of God.
Pastor Jim Blalock
"During my teenage years in Southwest Florida I had the joy of attending regular youth rallies and conferences hosted by local churches. The Lord used the Bible preaching and Christian fellowship in these meetings to change my life and the lives of many others. I want to help pass this heritage on to another generation. My prayer is that the South Florida Youth Fellowship will encouragement young people in our churches to love the Lord and live for Him."
Pastor Thomas Odom
"Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to grow up in a Christian home or attend a good church. The preaching of God’s Word transformed my life! I have a great desire to provide young people the opportunity to hear preaching, and worship an Authentic and Awesome God! A true relationship with Jesus is essential in building the lives of teenagers, so that they can become what He desires them to be."
Pastor Rick Palma